Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011


CID-Publishing House - Homepage

As first department of CID Investigation, the Publishing House CID-Verlag has reached the level of an structurally independent enterprise.This task was designed and prepared with the conceptional decision to develop CID Verlag from traditional print-book-publishing to an far-reaching exclusive Internt-Online Publishing entity. The respective report chapter can be read in german language at the adress

The existence of the actually used, free of charge Internet Platform for publishing purposes opens a space for the development of an new enterprise philosophy that can liberate completely from business management calculation constraints. CID so can offer the cost-free publishing of its investigative advances and results to all Internet users, and attains by that way complete independence from financing entities and political mainstream limitations. Simultaneous the private investigation entity acquires the status of non-profit organization with benefit for the public, offering literature and science manuals for basic educational purposes.

This doesn`t mean, that besides Internet Online Publishing the conventional book sector is given up by CID Publishing. The theoretic possibility to print the online-published Internet books exists and the printed book-selling area even has been extended by the integration of Books in Commission as virtual bookstore in the new designed publishing program
(See: ).

This logic also explains the edition of an company report like this present report, that would be quite unusual for an economic calculating enterprise. But going a certain way is also showing, that it is possible to take that way and the public demonstration how to go that way describes an construction plan that can be used as blueprint for similar independent building efforts in other areas.

Restructuration of CID Publishing Internet Scene

End of 2009 the CID Publishing Internet program, that initially was designed at 16th November 2008 and listed in 1 Blog with 6 posts all publications of CID, was new structured. The new publishing program blog now is divided in 5 chapters, each leading to the separate blogs with the print or online books offered by CID Verlag, as follows:


Natural Science

  • 2 Print Publications
  • 4 Online Publications

Regional Studies

  • 5 Print Publications
  • 2 Online Publications


  • 2 Print Publications
  • 2 Online Publications

Books in Comission

  • 7 Print Publications


a. Reports 2000 – 2004

  • 9 Print Publications

b. Reports 2005-2011

  • 2 Print Publications
  • 4 Online Publications

  • Conceptual Remarks on CID Publishing

Two of the Online-publications from Natural Science series are already listed in the actual publishing program version but not yet linked. The fact, that both books about dragonflies and seasonal flowering plants are `stepwise editions` and still incomplete is the reason not to present them already as formal `books`. The actual state of development of the online books can be accessed over the Foto CID homepage (as photo series) or the Independent Investigation Project Homepage (as working project).

The book program blogs can be inmediately actualized when new books join the publishing program.


In 2009 four print book orders reached CID Publishing. The total annual figures for book selling have been 96,50 Euros. The expenses for book production reached 83,-- Euros. One title, the Venezuela Exposition Catalogue, couldn`t be delivered due to a data loss of the edited book printing files related to an computer damage in 2008.

In 2010 no book orders reached CID Publishing. The state of advance of the entomological study `Potter Wasps of Colombia` that was announced to be continued, when project research in Colombia can be continued, repeatedly is requested by one specialized bookstore.

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